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Successful grease trap cleaning in Miami Beach, Florida

Grease Trap Clean-Outs in Miami Beach, FL

The EPA has strict rules and regulations for commercial grease trap maintenance. While it is possible to clean out the traps yourself, it is not recommended as it is a labor intensive practice. Our Miami Beach plumbing service routinely cleans out commercial grease traps of all fats, oils and grease that have accumulated in the trap.

The trap works in a similar way to a septic tank. Waste water is routed into a large tank where it sits for a period of time. The fats and oils float up to the top of the tank where a skimmer scrapes them off into a storage container. The water below is routed out through a pipe several inches below the fill line of the tank. Heavy grease sinks down to the bottom of the tank where it remains until the tank is cleaned out.

Let Our Plumbers Clean Your Trap Safely & Effectively

Miami Beach plumbing contractor cleans a grease trap at a Cuban restaurantProfessional cleaning crews clean both the trap that catches the scraped oils and fats and the residue at the bottom of the main separation tank. The EPA has very stringent rules on how this procedure takes place. All fats, oils and grease must be disposed of at a proper solid waste site or recycled.

There are several bacteria treatments that can be used to help process the solid precipitates in a storage tank. Our Miami Beach plumbing techs suggests adding this treatment to your regular kitchen cleaning and maintenance routine to allow a longer time between clean out sessions.

For more information on responsible grease trap maintenance and upkeep procedures, call your Miami Beach plumbing team. We're always happy to help.

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